01 December 2009

Wednesday Forecast for KSTL

Two low pressure systems approaching the area will result in some rain throughout the day, changing to snow in the early evening. From most of the models, it looks like the worst weather will just miss the area, as the low associated with the shortwave trough tracking from the NW and the Texas Low racking to the NE converge east of KSTL. Most of the local precip will result from the descending cold front, with some wrap around from the second low. Temperatures will remain low through wednesday, and I am expecting it to be lower than what the models forecast. Winds will be gusty and high throughout the period.

Errors in the model forecast track for either low could result in significantly different weather either way, with more precip if the lows converge closer to KSTL, and little to no precip if they converge further east of the area.

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