21 February 2007

Possible MLC System this WKND

Doc was talking about a system projected for this weekend. Early runs showed the mid level trough deepening/closing off over Desert SW. This L showed a progressive track through AZ-NM-OK panhandle. I'm looking at model runs and they are showing the L center developing over W WY and tracking SE. By SAT this L is projected to end up in the same spot (OK panhandle) but with a different origin. Have many of you seen this scenario much?

1 comment:

Doc Ng said...

Great observation! We will discuss why that is in class today. A quick answer to why the cyclone seemed to have a discontinuous path is the concept of leeside cyclogenesis. In addition, the mid- and upper-level divergence fields for the original cyclone is projected to diminish.

~ Doc Ng