30 January 2007

Whoops to Day 1; And Maybe a Bit Chilly

Whoops... looks like we all slipped a bit on Day 1. Glad to see I wasn't alone. Yeah, I looked at the highs earlier and shook my head. I still went with some rain for tomorrow as the imager is showing that moisture moving into the area. I certainly don't think it'll be a soaker, but enough to generate some precip over forecasting time. As for the winds, still getting a grasp on those. Ha! Waiting for some freak downburst to sustain winds at 50kts for long enough to blow my forecast out of whatever water I called for! LOL Fun stuff, though!

As for us (going back to something I know a bit better), latest indications are proving to be a bit cooler than I would've thought this time yesterday. My forecast for yesterday had us above 0 through the period into early next week. Now I find myself dropping lows into the minus area with highs still in the teens. I'm not ready to sink my teeth into single digit highs just yet due to winds and cloud cover, but I will certainly agree that colder temps are in store than I previously had thought.

Snow still looks iffy, but a few inches look possible over the next few days starting with tomorrow. A second round coming after the front passes late Thursday into Friday. Again, nothing too significant; just enough to keep our chance at seeing the consecutive snowfall on the ground record going. We should hit the top 3 at least, but I think the 60s are hard to come by with the advertisement of the warmer weather returning midweek.

1 comment:

Doc Ng said...

Keep this local discussion up....I like it. Kudos.